Greetings, brothers and sisters. This is Dr. James Perry continuing with our series where we seek to
explore the deeper meanings of our relationship with Jesus Christ. Over the years, the heavenly
Father has revealed many revelations of spiritual truth to me, and I want to share them with you. This
morning we seek to understand meaning of the Father's will as the Influence of love.
And now, sit back and listen to today's message.
The Father's Will: The Influence of Love
"He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." 1st John, Chapter 4, Verse 8.
Brothers and sisters, today we consider the influence of the Father's will, the most powerful spiritual
influence in existence. This will influences our minds and souls. Early in our earthly careers, we are
incomplete, deficient in wisdom and self understanding, and therefore of self control. We
demonstrate our lack of wisdom by plunging into war, destruction, and pollution. But unlike us, the
Father is all wise, all powerful, all knowledgeable, and absolute, and his wisdom directs that he work
within our minds and souls spiritually, for indeed the continuance of the human race depends upon
our continued spiritual progress. Unless we individually become more like the heavenly Father, the
human race cannot progress beyond a certain level. Therefore does the Father partner with his
children--so that we may be recreated in His image, which is the image of his son, Jesus.
The Father's will takes up residence in our minds, the collaboration of which creates our souls. The
soul is constructed by divine and human realties. It is designed to survive mortal death, so that it may
continue to develop and grow. By continuously growing, our souls enable our minds to choose more
wise decisions. Those decisions always incorporate the highest good, for the greatest number, for
the longest period of time. The soul is the primary recipient of the influence of love. Because we are
incomplete, we are susceptible to influence. We have a need to acquire information and to identify
with something we consider greater than ourselves. This influence, by becoming the standard, begins
to flavor our decisions, which are motivated by divine love.
The influence of the Father's will operates similarly. It operates among and amid our ideals and
ideas. It satisfies our craving to be loved unconditionally. In fact, this craving can only be satisfied
by the divine influence, though many search for ways in which to satisfy this inner craving
externally. The influence of love urges our souls to view our fellows with affectionate regard, rather
than judgementally. It urges us to love others as we love ourselves, to see others as we see ourselves.
Simultaneously, this spiritual influence urges us to fellowship with it, to get to know and become
comfortable with it. It encourages us to accept it as the only way to achieve all that it is true,
beautiful and good, and to follow its leading as the best way to achieve human happiness.
When this spiritual influence is accepted, our spiritual natures begin to dominate our attitudes,
desires, and wills. The spiritual influence is such that the more we submit to it, the more we find that
satisfaction and peace of mind and soul that we earnestly seek. Submitting to the influence of love
is the satisfaction of our hunger for righteousness and our thirst for truth. This spiritual nourishment
provides the energy for growth and development and for the work of the spirit: loving our brothers
and sisters as we are loved by God.
Finally, as the spiritual influence of love continues to impart knowledge of the Father, the more that
soul becomes like the Father. It continues in its growth until it is able to join with this spiritual
influence, the spirit of the Father, to have it become literally apart of its very fabric. When this
happens it becomes an indestructible, immortal, and eternal channel for the flow of the Father's love
to others. However, for those who continue to reject this influence of love, they are destined to
become absolutely material and lose all spiritual potential for becoming spiritual. Being mortal they
will soon cease to exist, never to appear again in all eternity.
This concludes today's message on understanding the meaning of the Father's will as an influence
of love. We hope you find something in this message to ponder and pray about as you go about your
day. Until next time, this is Dr. James Perry.