Greetings, brothers and sisters. This is Dr. James Perry continuing with our series where we seek to
explore the deeper meanings of our relationship with Jesus Christ. Over the years, the heavenly
Father has revealed many revelations of spiritual truth to me, and I want to share them with you. This
morning we seek to understand the meaning of being the Father's representative.
And now, sit back and listen to today's message.
The Father's Representative
Jesus said, " A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved
you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye
have love for one another. " John, Chapter 13, Verses 34 and 35.
Brothers and sisters, we are all familiar with the concept of representing another person. This means
representing the interests of another above our own. For example, when a lawyer represents a client,
he may very well have some doubts about the guilt of his client, but since he is not representing his
own interest he mounts a vigorous defense using what resources he can marshal at his disposal. He
also uses his knowledge of the law and skillfully argues the case for the acquittal of his client. In this
defense, things that are not helpful are not used. Thus the emotional response to upsetting news will
not help his client and are therefore not used. He must maintain a clear mind devoid of the emotions
associated with the ups and downs of a trial. When all of these factors are integrated and used
skillfully, then does the client receive the best defense that is possible. And if it were possible for
the client to represent himself (being free of personal bias), he would not notice any difference in the
representation, so skillful and effective would it be. And there are other examples of representation
such as ambassadors who represent their countries' interest to other countries.
Now before moving onward to the representation of the heavenly Father through his Son, Jesus, we
would emphasize the need for knowledge and wisdom in order to represent another. We must simply
have knowledge and be able to exercise wisdom in order to succeed. A certain amount of training
is required supremely to represent another. Having laid the intellectual foundation, we look at the
spiritual requirements for representing the spiritual Father. In eternity the Son represents the Father.
Whosoever has seen the Son has seen the Father. The Son is the perfect personal representative of
the Father. Some 2,000 years ago, the divine Son, Jesus, became flesh and represented the Father.
And after having perfectly accomplished this, He becomes the essential channel for representing the
Father to us. The Son only does that which he sees the Father do. Now we know that if we love one
another as Jesus has love us, then we can become his disciples, his representatives and through him,
the representatives of the heavenly Father.
The potential for us to represent Jesus, and through him the Father, becomes an actual reality by
these steps. A moral nature must be present first. In all bonafide human beings, a moral nature
develops. This is the aspect of a human being that allows him to recognize right from wrong and to
choose right from wrong. In a sense this is the ability to recognize the divine spirit and the ability
to respond to divine leading. Second there must come into existence a vehicle for representing the
Father, and this vehicle is the soul--the joint creation of the moral mind and the divine spirit. The
divine spirit of the Father enters the moral mind upon its first moral decision. The soul, however,
is not fully developed: it grows over time. Thirdly, this soul must be invested with the spirit of the
victorious divine Son, the Spirit of Truth, the interpreter of the Father to all souls. This Spirit of
Truth not only interprets the Father but also accelerates the growth of the soul so that the soul passes
quickly through the embryonic stage of growth and is born, so to speak, so that it can actively
participate in its own growth and development. Under this three-fold endowment, the mortal is now
equipped to begin the process of representing the Father. Once the soul is born, it begins to
consciously recognize truth, beauty, and goodness and unites these into love. And love is the greatest
manifestation of the heavenly Father.
Prayer and worship (divine communication) are the tools the soul uses to gain knowledge of the
Father. By thus communicating, the soul comes to know the Father and gains the education and
training needed to execute divine disciplines, which are love, faith, goodness, gentleness,
temperance, meekness, long suffering, joy, and peace. As the various experiences of the soul provide
opportunity to develop these divine qualities, the soul grows and develops, acquiring discipline, skill,
and knowledge, which allows it to acceptably represent the Father through his Son in all personal
interactions. Being spiritual, the Father can be represented in any undertaking that is purely personal.
It is immediately apparent that the representation of the Father is a spiritual endeavor, that is, one
of quality. It is the quality of these personal interchanges that imbues all personal interactions that
constitute the representation of the Father.
The consequence of representing the Father through Jesus is the ever-enlarging capacity and ability
to do His will. This in actuality is the course of perfection, the process of continuously responding
to the Father's eternal command: "Be you perfect even as I am perfect." We should remember that
representing the Father and thus submitting to His will is consciously desired but unconsciously
done. The display of the Father's character is unconscious to the displayer. The Father's spirits flows
through our souls onto our brothers and sisters unconsciously. If we were to become conscious of
this process, we would inevitably alter it. By submitting our will to the Father's, we reveal His loving
nature to others, in no way interfering with the spirit. By faith, then, do we realize that our conscious
desire is unconsciously being met.
And while we know that there may be those who just are not strong enough, skilled enough, or
knowledgeable enough to perfectly represent the Father under all conditions and circumstances, there
are those who, when confronted with the challenge to represent the Father, have no desire to
represent him when confronted by personal attack or harsh criticism. The personal attacks are to
much for them to bear, and they choose to represent themselves instead. They choose their will over
the Father's. But ultimately, our desires determine our decisions. If we have make the decision to
represent the Father through his Son, and we are true to that decision, then will the fruits of the spirit
flow freely in our lives without interruption.
This concludes today's message on understanding the meaning of being the Father's representative.
We hope you find something in this message to ponder and pray about as you go about your day.
Until next time, this is Dr. James Perry